explore:https://www.ipswich.qld.gov.au/explore/parks_reserves_precincts/parks_search/ipswich-cycle-park, Ipswich City Council - Web, Funnelback Search

Advanced search | Help 1 - 10 of 41 search results for [track loop 400m criterium 080m cycle cycling lane park staging]

  1. Community help needed to redesign Richardson Park

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/media/media-releases/articles/2022/community-help-needed-to-redesign-richardson-park Cached Explore

    11 Feb 2022: Your ideas and input are so important and help ensure council facilities and parks meet community needs. ... For more information and to slide into round one of the community consultation process for Richardson Park Playground visit

  2. Community need drives local Ipswich projects

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/media/media-releases/articles/2020/community-need-drives-local-ipswich-projects Cached Explore

    27 Jul 2021: Handball courts, Rex Hawkes Park, Redbank Plains (Div 1). Master plan for the Cooneana Heritage Centre (Div 1). ... Speed advisory sign, Redbank Plains Road (Div 2). Floodway flashing lights, Jones Road, Bellbird Park (Div 2).

  3. Community feedback called for Richardson Park playground design

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/media/media-releases/articles/2022/community-feedback-called-for-richardson-park-playground-design Cached Explore

    10 May 2022: I encourage residents to again take part in our community consultation process and tell us what they like or want added to the final design of the park.”. ... Construction is scheduled to begin late this year. For more information about the detailed

  4. Community to plant trees to honour Ipswich mothers and women

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/media/media-releases/articles/2023/community-to-plant-trees-to-honour-ipswich-mothers-and-women Cached Explore

    24 Apr 2023: On Sunday 14 May, Jim Seymour Park in Camira will be a hive of activity with the community turning out for the annual tree planting event. ... Jim Seymour Park was identified as a perfect site for this event as the Sandy Creek catchment provides

  5. Community chess tables checkmate all the right boxes

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/media/media-releases/articles/2023/community-chess-tables-checkmate-all-the-right-boxes Cached Explore

    3 Jul 2023: Many major cities in the world are famous for their public chess tables, such as New York’s Washington Square Park and the Chess & Checkers House in Central Park – this is ... The chess tables are on the University Drive side of the park.

  6. Ipswich Australia Day Award Winners

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/live/our-community/community_engagement/ipswich-australia-day-awards/ipswich-australia-day-award-winners Cached Explore

    22 Dec 2020: Senior Citizen of the Year: Doug Abbot O.St.J. Doug (90) has spent thousands of hours working in and around Eric Edwardson Park at Bellbird Park. ... Over the years, he's turned the park from a largely unused facility into something the neighbourhood is

  7. Community drives significant road upgrades for Division 4 rural localities

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/media/media-releases/articles/2020/community-drives-significant-road-upgrades-for-division-4-rural-localities Cached Explore

    26 Aug 2021: Sharp Lane, Walloon. Resurfacing work is being carried out from 9 to 27 August for the Thagoona and Rosewood schedule, with surfacing and line-marking set to follow alongside works in

  8. Graffiti Management

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/initiatives/safety/community_safety/graffiti_management Cached Explore

    22 Dec 2020: Graffiti tagging and vandalism costs Queensland's local councils millions of dollars each year - these are funds that would otherwise be spent on providing local projects like parks, walk ways and

  9. Community heroes honoured in 2023 Ipswich Australia Day Awards

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/media/media-releases/articles/2023/community-heroes-honoured-in-2023-ipswich-australia-day-awards Cached Explore

    20 Jan 2023: Street Life, as well as cook ups in Browns Park and welfare checks and court support work. ... She organises Crossroads in the Park, which provides free hot meals, free new clothing, haircuts and other services every third month.

  10. Families, children and young people

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/initiatives/safety/community_safety/family_safety Cached Explore

    19 Apr 2024: This will help to keep track of all family members in case of an emergency.

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