explore:https://www.ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/media/media-releases/articles/2023/temporary-planning-protections-extended-over-waste-operators, Ipswich City Council - Web, Funnelback Search

Advanced search | Help 1 - 2 of 2 search results for [operators tlpi industry impacts planning manage scheme levers regulate stricter]

  1. Risk Assessment Form

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/excel_doc/0008/132578/Risk-Assessment-Plan-for-FIP.XLSX Cached Explore

    16 Dec 2019: Medium risk. Specify management responsibility. Low risk. Manage by routine procedures.

  2. EPBC Referrals & MNES Offsets

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/excel_doc/0020/218153/ICC-Register-of-Environmental-Offsets-for-MNES,-MSES-and-MLES.xlsx Cached Explore

    11 Aug 2021: does not constitute an approval under Council Planning Scheme and the two processes are mutually exclusive - Council does not play a role in decision making around the requirement for offsets under ... Recieval matter area. To be determined following

    by Timothy Shields


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