explore:https://www.ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/media/media-releases/articles/2020/council-turns-the-tide-on-dumped-trolleys-in-watery-grave, Ipswich City Council - Web, Funnelback Search

Advanced search | Help 11 - 20 of 825 search results for [trolleys river dumped abandoned shopping retailers trolley mclellan remove bremer]

  1. FACT SHEET 3 A Short History of Ipswich Waterways ... (PDF, 565k)

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/10005/fact_sheet_3_a_short_history_of_ipswich_waterways.pdf Explore

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    12 May 2010: Approximately 4 kilometres from Ipswich CBD, rich fertile river flats were discovered along Bundamba Creek, a tributary of the Bremer River. ... off. The Bremer River reached 24.5m above its normal level and the floods lasted for more than 3 weeks.

  2. Native fish species released into Bremer River

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/media/media-releases/articles/2021/native-fish-species-released-into-bremer-river Cached Explore

    6 Dec 2021: 06 December 2021. About 2,000 Mary River cod have been released into the Bremer River catchment to increase native fish populations and improve the river’s diversity. ... Not only are we contributing to the recovery of the Mary River cod, but we are

  3. Record numbers of native fish released into Bremer River

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/media/media-releases/articles/2022/record-numbers-of-native-fish-released-into-bremer-river Cached Explore

    6 Dec 2022: 06 December 2022. About 18,000 Mary River cod have been released into the Bremer River catchment to increase native fish populations and improve the river’s diversity. ... Not only are we contributing to the recovery of the Mary River cod, but we are

  4. City of Ipswich Floodplain Management Strategy Ipswich.qld.gov.au#FloodSmart http://Ipswich.qld.gov.au 2 ... (PDF, 2431k)

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/75441/ICC-Floodplain-Management-Strategy.pdf Explore

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    23 Apr 2019: Major flooding in Bremer River. Nov -Major flooding in. Bremer and Warrill Creeks. ... creeks downstream of the dam such as the Bremer River and Lockyer Creek would remain.

  5. Report card shows no quick fix for past Bremer mistakes

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/media/media-releases/articles/2021/report-card-shows-no-quick-fix-for-past-bremer-mistakes Cached Explore

    30 Nov 2021: A stretch of Bremer River in front of Riverlink Shopping Centre has been rehabilitated as part of council’s ongoing Habitat Connections Program. ... damage. As part of the Resilient Rivers Initiative, council has partnered with Scenic Rim Regional

  6. Council explores options for long term future of River Heart Parklands

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/media/media-releases/articles/2024/council-explores-options-for-long-term-future-of-river-heart-parklands Cached Explore

    24 Jun 2024: It would be financially irresponsible for council to continue to rebuild so close to the Bremer River and keep incurring these costs. ... Moving forward, we look forward to hearing from the community on how we best utilise River Heart Parklands in the

  7. Canoeing and Kayaking

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/live/healthy_lifestyle/recreation/canoeing-and-kayaking Cached Explore

    22 Dec 2020: With access to both the Brisbane and the Bremer rivers, Ipswich offers paddlers plenty of great places to get out and active on the water. ... As a paddling destination, the Bremer River has a lot to offer, with 25km of suitable water.

  8. Canoeing and Kayaking

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/live/healthy_lifestyle/active-and-healthy-ipswich/recreation/canoeing-and-kayaking Cached Explore

    22 Dec 2020: With access to both the Brisbane and the Bremer rivers, Ipswich offers paddlers plenty of great places to get out and active on the water. ... As a paddling destination, the Bremer River has a lot to offer, with 25km of suitable water.

  9. Catchments and Plans

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/initiatives/environment/waterways/catchments-and-plans Cached Explore

    20 Jan 2023: The majority of the Ipswich local government area lies within the lower Bremer River catchment. ... The Bremer River catchment covers a total area of 2028km. 2.

  10. Community once again onboard for Clean Up Australia Day

    ipswich.qld.gov.au/about_council/media/media-releases/articles/2024/community-once-again-onboard-for-clean-up-australia-day Cached Explore

    12 Feb 2024: Ipswich Dragon Boat Club make litter pick-ups part of their regular training on the Bremer River, using a net, rope and some paddling manoeuvres. ... The group also tries to remove potentially hazardous debris, such as oil drums, tyres and shopping

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