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8 Jun 2023: Choose the best trail for youThere are several trails within the estate which are established as multi-user for bushwalking, horse riding and mountain bike riding. ... DistanceHiking Mountain Bike Riding Horse Riding. FROM PAPERBARK FLATS VIA WHITE ROCK Explore
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8 Jun 2023: Horse riding is restricted to the section of this trail between Hardings Paddock and Flinders Plum Picnic Areas. ... Mt Catherine Trail 300m one way 10 mins. This track traverses spectacular remnant forest which supports the endangered Flinders Plum Cached Explore
13 May 2024: The Flinders Peak Hiking Trail is another iconic Ipswich experience for more physically fit walkers. ... Beginning at Flinders Plum Picnic Area, this trail starts easily but becomes increasingly challenging as you ascend, with rough surfaces, steep Explore
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16 Sep 2016: Blue Rated Trails (Intermediate). Director’s Cut 500m | Two-way. Cross country trail featuring a range of surfaces from loose gravel to solid rock. ... Castle Hill Recreational Trails. NScale0 40metres. Trail Name Rating Distance. SQU Squirrel 300m. Cached Explore
22 Dec 2020: These are multiuser trails, so remember that bikes must always give way to walkers and horse riders. ... As it’s a shared trail, be sure to give way to hikers and horse riders. Explore
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11 Mar 2021: This trail takes them away from the well used trails of The Bluff, Little White Rock and White Rock and further into the lesser frequented areas of the estate. ... THE LONG WALK AND RIDE. The proposed Long Walk and Ride trail begins at Paperbark Flats Cached Explore
22 Dec 2020: From the picnic area you can ride out on wide trails to locations such as Goolman Lookout, Rocky Knoll or even right down to Flinders Plum along the Flinders Goolman Track. ... As this is a multi-user shared trail, you may come across walkers and Cached Explore
22 Dec 2020: From the picnic area you can ride out on wide trails to locations such as Goolman Lookout, Rocky Knoll or even right down to Flinders Plum along the Flinders Goolman Track. ... As this is a multi-user shared trail, you may come across walkers and Cached Explore
22 Dec 2020: These are multiuser trails, so remember that bikes must always give way to walkers and horse riders. ... As it’s a shared trail, be sure to give way to hikers and horse riders. Cached Explore
11 Sep 2024: For a moderate walk, allow up to 3 hours to hike the 6.5 kilometre round-trip trail to the base of White Rock (refer to the walking trails guide PDF ... Please refer to the Trails Guide for the location of the Yaddamun Trail.
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