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31 Mar 2021: Ipswich is a city of opportunities and the Ipswich Youth Advisory Council (IYAC) is just one platform for young people to use their voice and contribute to a dialogue on important ... The Ipswich Youth Advisory Council (IYAC) is an Ipswich City Council Explore
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21 Oct 2024: WHAT IS IYAC?Ipswich Youth Advisory Council (IYAC) comprises young people aged between 13-18 years who come together to have a voice for raising issues and sharing ideas that affect ... Provide an opportunity to work collaboratively in a team with other Explore
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13 Jul 2020: The Ipswich Youth Advisory Council (IYAC) is a youth engagement initiative for young people in the City of Ipswich, aged between 16 and 25 years of age. ... The goal of IYAC is to ensure Ipswich’s young people are heard on issues they care about and Cached Explore
15 Nov 2024: IYAC comprises young people aged between 13 to 18 years who come together to raise issues and share ideas. ... Provide an opportunity to work collaboratively in a team with other young people to affect real change.,-iyac-members-look-to-the-future Cached Explore
6 Dec 2023: IYAC comprises young people aged between 13 to 18 years who come together to have a voice in raising issues and sharing ideas that affect young people in Ipswich. ... Develop young people’s knowledge of the issues that affect them at a Federal, State, Cached Explore
16 Jun 2023: Already it has been a great success with the delivery of events such as the Emerging Artists Exhibition which was celebrated recently during Youth Week and showcased art by young people.”. ... The Ipswich Youth Hub is the third ICYS location in the Cached Explore
22 Dec 2020: 24 July 2020. Nominations are now open for people aged 16 to 25 to join the Ipswich Youth Advisory Council (IYAC), an Ipswich City Council initiative that gives young people an ... Dedicated, enthusiastic and committed to young people issues which affect,-Young-People-and-Families-Policy.pdf Explore
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8 May 2023: participation in city life. Children, Young People and Families Policy. Page 2 of 4. ... 5-11 years: young children, primary schoolers. Young people (youth) aged 12-24 years, including:. •
by Amber van Cached Explore
7 Feb 2023: IYAC is an important part of our community as it allows young people to have a voice and play an active role in the decisions that affect their lives.”. ... IYAC comprises young people aged between 13 to 18 years who come together to have a voice in Cached Explore
9 May 2024: Our aim is that the initiative increases young people’s civic participation, develops leadership potential of Ipswich’s youth, and builds their understanding of government processes such as planning and policy ... More information about the IYAC is
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