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Building is regulated by Council under the current State Government legislation, available for viewing on the Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works website.
Application forms relating to building works are available from the Queensland's Planning System website.
DA Form 2 - Building work details MUST be used to make a development application involving building work.
DA Form 2 - Referral checklist for building work MUST also be completed where an aspect of the building work requires referral (including Council for matters relating to design and siting, amenity and aesthetics or removal, demolition or reinstatement of a building).
Other mandatory building forms (eg Form 15, Form 16 or Form 22) are available from the Queensland Government website.
Guidelines and other recommended forms for the Building Act 1975 – Form 33, 34, and 39 are available from the Queensland Government website.
Guidelines for the inspection of Class 1 and 10 buildings and structures.
Guidelines for the inspection of Class 2 to 9 buildings.
Document Name | Link |
Lodgement Checklist for Building Work | Building Application Lodgement Checklist |
Application for Referral Agency Response - Siting Variation/Amenity & Aesthetics | |
Application for Referral Agency Response - Demolition/Removal/Reinstatement | Referral Agency Assessment Application (PDF, 1.1 MB) |
Building Compliance Notice | |
Request for Extension of Time to | |
Soakage Pit Standard Drawing | |
Swimming Pool & Pool Fence Checklist | |
Swimming Pool Fencing & Others | Swimming Pool Fencing & Others - Interactive (PDF, 88 kb) (PDF, 415.2 KB) |
Private Certifier Information Request Form | |
Application for Acceptance as a Competent Person | Application for Acceptance as a Competent Person |
Request for Variation of Development Application Fees Subject to the crieteria contained within Section 1 - Fee Policies of the Council's Register of Fees and Charges | Request for Variation of Development Application Fees |
By way of Council resolution on 28 October 2019, revised Amenity and Aesthetics Referral Provisions were adopted with an effective date of 1 December 2019. The 'Amenity and Aesthetics Referral Provisions 2019' are supported by a series of Implementation Guidelines addressing application considerations and requirements.
Council's building Team forms part of the Planning and Regulatory Services Department. Are you proposing to undertake building, or remodelling work? You may require a Building Approval.
To book an inspection please contact our friendly Building team on:
T | 07 3810 6666 E | F | 07 3281 7085
Office Hours | To book inspections Monday to Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm excluding public holidays.
Street Address l Ground Floor, 1 Nicholas Street, Ipswich
Postal Address l Building Team - PO Box 191, Ipswich QLD 4305 Australia.
How far from the boundary can you site your building?
Refer to the General Building Guidelines for Single Residential Properties (PDF, 1.2 MB).
Generally Buildings and Structures are to be positioned in accordance with Part 12, Division 6 - Residential Code of the Ipswich Planning Scheme. Preliminary Building Approvals or building location envelopes may affect the property. For any further Siting information please contact Council's Development Planning Branch on (07) 3810 6888
Are you in a bushfire area? Your building may require protection.
The level of protection is determined by the Australian Standard AS3959-2009.
Is your building energy efficient?
Energy Efficiency is a fast moving area of building which is regularly being updated within the building codes.
Dwellings and Units (Class 1 & 2 buildings) must have a 6 star rating. Energy consultants can compute the star rating of your building or you can use a deemed to satisfy method.
These buildings must comply with the requirements of the Queensland Development Code Parts MP4.1 - Sustainable Buildings and MP4.2 - Water Saving Targets Qld Development Code.
Are you building your own home?
You are required to obtain an owner builder permit if the value of your building project exceeds $11,000.00 further details can be obtained from the: Queensland Building and Construction Commission website.