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Combustible cladding regulations commence on Monday, 1 October 2018.
The Queensland Government has recently amended the Building Regulation 2006 (Building and Other Legislation Cladding Amendment Regulation 2018). New laws commencing on Monday, 1 October 2018 require owners of particular class 2-9 buildings to register with the Queensland Government and participate in a three-stage ‘Safer Buildings’ process.
The Queensland Building and Construction Commission is the responsible authority and regulator of the process.
For further information or to register your property refer to the Queensland Government Safer Buildings website or contact the QBCC on 139 333. Owners of houses or townhouses do not need to register.
Local government copies of completed QBCC Safer Buildings Forms 34 and 35 can be submitted electronically to or posted to PO Box 191, Ipswich Qld 4305.