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All Plumbing and Drainage work in Queensland is regulated by State Government legislative requirements and is categorised as:
All Plumbing and Drainage Works other than Unregulated Work MUST be carried out by a Licensed Plumber or Drainer.
To confirm if the plumber or drainer is licensed, and that their licence is current, contact the Queensland Building and Construction Commission on 139 333.
Any work not included in the schedules of notifiable work, minor work or unregulated work will be ‘Permit Work' and will be subject to Council assessment and inspection requirements.
Under the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018, permit work applications are divided into two streams:
Fast-track Applications
Standard Applications
Notifiable Work will require licensees to lodge a Form 4 - Notifiable Work with the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) within 10 business days of completing the work.
The vast majority of work undertaken in existing buildings will be Notifiable Work, for example:
The QBCC is responsible for administering Notifiable Work forms, including accepting and processing notifications and maintaining the electronic lodgement system. The QBCC also manage an audit program to help ensure that licensees are lodging the appropriate forms and continuing to comply with legislative requirements.
All enquiries regarding Notifiable Works, including new lodgments or obtaining confirmation about previously completed work, should be directed to the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC).
QBCC contact details:
Post: GPO Box 5099, Brisbane Qld 4001
Phone: 139 333
Fax: (07) 3225 2999
For a full list of minor works or further information please refer to the Queensland Building and Construction Commision (QBCC) website.
Minor work must be undertaken by an appropriately licensed person but does not need to be notified to Council or the Queensland Building and Construction Commission.
Minor work includes such things as:
a) work necessary for installing, replacing or removing any of the following apparatus:
i. a temperature control device
ii. a water heater
iii. a testable backflow prevention device
iv. a dual check valve with an atmospheric port
b) replacing a domestic water filter cartridge
For a full list of minor works or further information please refer to the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) website.
Unregulated work is plumbing and drainage work that does not require council approval or notification. No licence is required to perform this work.
For sanitary plumbing and sanitary drainage:
For water plumbing:
As a guide the following check sheet should be used to assist with collating the required documentation for lodgement:
Lodgement Checklist for Plumbing Applications:
Plumbing Application Lodgement Checklist (PDF, 649.5 KB)
To lodge a Plumbing Application you will need the following:
Commercial applications may require additional information and quoted fees.
Please contact us on (07) 3810 6130 for further details.
To determine what is counted as a plumbing fixture, please refer to the following examples: