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Council encourage the use of the cemeteries to commemorate significant events such as ANZAC day, Remembrance Day and numerous other significant events in addition to visiting departed family.
If you intend to hold a public event, please advise Council at least 14 days prior to the event via the ICC Cemeteries email address.
This notification to Council is simply to ensure that no other events are planned for the same area on the same date or in case work is planned for the area you intend to use.
If your event is of a commercial nature you are required to obtain approval from the Council prior to holding the event.
Commercial activities are events where you expect to receive money for holding your event or there is a commercial gain from the event (e.g. promotes an organisation or activity).
The commercial use of cemeteries application form must be completed and submitted to Council at least 14 days prior to your event for consideration.