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Cost: non-urgent $123.00 (5 working days)
This search will only provide current rates information.
If the property is not registered with council as at the date of application the search will be conducted on the parent lot.
Note: Updated rates information will only be available for six weeks from date of application.
Cost: non-urgent $169.00 (5 working days) (one application per lot)
This search provides a report showing the levels of the adopted flood regulation line and the 1 in 20 development line in relation to the subject lot. The adopted flood regulation line is based on the highest reliable flood data encompassing the 1974 flood level, the 2011 flood level or the calculated 1 in 100 average recurrence interval (ARI)(Q100) flood level. The 1 in 20 development line is based on the calculated 1 in 20 average recurrence interval (ARI)(Q20) flood level. The Ipswich Planning Scheme places constraints on development below the adopted flood regulation line and in general does not allow development below the 1 in 20 development line.
Cost: $476.00 (5 working days)
A limited planning and development property search certificate contains the following information for premises:
Note: Price on application for certificates involving multiple lots.
Note: Does not include development approvals issued under the Economic Development Act 2012.
Cost: $1,430.00 (10 working days)
A standard planning and development property search certificate, in addition to the information contained in a limited planning and development property search certificate, must contain or be accompanied by the following information for the premises:
Note: Price on application for certificates involving multiple lots.
Note: Does not include development approvals issued under the Economic Development Act 2012.
A full planning and development property search certificate, in addition to the information contained in a standard planning and development certificate, must contain or be accompanied by the following information for premises:
Note: Price on application for certificates involving multiple lots.
Note: Does not include development approvals issued under the Economic Development Act 2012.
Cost: $73.00 (10 working days)
This search will provide a copy of the building location envelope plan that has been approved as part of the development approval. This plan will show any siting and access constraints over the land. This is a condition of the development approval and runs with the land.
Note: If the property is not subject to a building location envelope a refund will not be considered.
Cost: $311.00 (10 working days)
This search will provide a letter containing a list of building and plumbing approvals on council records issued over the requested property. The search letter will note the date of approval of each structure and date of final certificate if issued and available, (i.e. dwellings, sheds, carports, pools, etc).
This search will not include any plans. This search is non-refundable.
Cost: $233.00 (10 working days)
This search will provide documents available for the nominated structure. Documents may include the application form, decision notice, engineering documentation, soil report, approved plans, draft sanitary drain as-constructed plan and final certificate, where available.
There is a free text area available on the paper-based search application form which will need to be completed by the applicant to specify which structure the search will be carried out on. If the free text area is not completed Council will only provide the applicant with approval information relating to the dwelling. The online form has an "Additional information" section that can be used for this requirement.
Where additional structures are requested, a fee of $73.00 per additional structure will be required.
Cost: $73.00 (10 working days)
This search will provide approved plans for the dwelling only. Plans for the structure provided are the site plan, floor plan and elevations if available. This search does not include copies of plans for extensions or additions to the dwelling.
This search is non-refundable.
Cost: $73.00 (10 working days)
This search will provide a copy of the as-constructed sanitary drainage plan. This plan identifies where pipework that carries sewerage from fixtures within the dwelling to where it connects into the private on-site sewerage facility or service provider’s sewer main.
This search is non-refundable.
For 'As Constructed' information on the service provider’s sewer mains please contact Urban Utilities on 132 657.
Cost: $73.00 (10 working days)
A copy of the approved building plans only for one approved structure will be provided. Plans for the structure provided are the site plan, floor plan and elevations if available.
There is a free text area available on the paper-based search application form which will need to be completed by the applicant to specify which structure the search will be carried out on. The online form has an "Additional information" section that can be used for this requirement.
This search is non-refundable.
Cost: $73.00 (10 working days)
This search will provide a letter containing an approximate date of when the dwelling was constructed.
This search is non-refundable.
Cost: $73.00 per certificate/document (10 working days)
A copy of one file certificate will be provided. The applicant is to specify which certificate is required (e.g. Building or Plumbing Final Certificate, Form 15, Termite Certificate). This search does not include a certificate of classification/occupancy.
There is a free text area available on the paper-based search application form which will need to be completed by the applicant to specify which structure the search will be carried out on. The online form has an "Additional information" section that can be used for this requirement.
This search is non-refundable.
Cost: $73.00 (10 working days)
A copy of a the soil/engineer's report for the existing dwelling only will be provided.
This search is non-refundable.
Cost: $595.00 (10 working days)
Note: An additional $174.00 per hour will be charged if the work exceeds 3 hours.
This search will provide a letter containing a list of building and plumbing approvals on Council records for the requested property. The search letter will note the date of approval of each structure and date of final certificate if issued and available, (i.e. factories, warehouses, shopping centres, shop fit outs, etc.)
This search will not include any plans. This search is non-refundable.
Cost: $575.00 (10 working days)
This search will provide available documentation relating to building and plumbing approvals issued for a commercial premise. This search will only provide documentation for up to three approvals.
There is a free text area available on the paper-based search application form which will need to be completed by the applicant to specify which approvals the search will be carried out on. The online form has an "Additional information" section that can be used for this requirement.
Note: A building and plumbing approval will generally have the following documents if available: application form, decision notice, engineering documentation, soil report, approved plans, hydraulics plan and final certificate.
Where additional approvals are requested, a fee of $73.00 per additional approval will be required.
Cost: $73.00 (10 working days)
This search will provide a copy of the hydraulic plumbing and drainage services available for the premise. This will include sewerage, stormwater and water location plans (where available). Council can only provide this information where a structure has an existing approval.
For vacant land with no approval/s issued please contact Urban Utilities on 132 657 as they may have information available for the main infrastructure.
This search is non-refundable.
Cost: $73.00 (10 working days)
A copy of a site plan only will be provided. This plan provides location of structure/s on site. If there are multiple structures on site, the applicant should specify which site plan is required.
There is a free text area available on the paper-based search application form which will need to be completed by the applicant to specify which structure the search will be carried out on. The online form has an "Additional information" section that can be used for this requirement.
This search is non-refundable.
Cost: $140.00 (10 working days)
A copy of the approved building plans for one approved structure will be provided. Plans for the structure will include site plan, floor plan and elevations, if available.
There is a free text area on the paper-based form which will need to be completed by the applicant to specify which structure the search will be carried out on. The online form has an "Additional information" section that can be used for this requirement.
Where additional structures are requested, a fee of $73.00 per additional structure will be required.
Cost: $143.00 per certificate (10 working days)
From 1 October 2020 the certificate of classification (Form 11) has been amended and renamed the Certificate of Occupancy. Any Certificate of Classification issued before 1 October 2020 that is still in force, is taken to be a Certificate of Occupancy from 1 October 2020.
This search provides a certificate of classification/occupancy for the property or building (unit/apartment, attached house/townhouse/duplex, factories, warehouses, shopping centres) where one has been issued by Council or a private certifier.
Consideration should be given to the age of the structure in question – Council’s records generally date back to 1975 with the introduction of the Building Act and Certificates of Classification may not be available for building erected prior to 1975 (in this instance Council will provide a formal response).
Cost: Nil (5 working days)
This search can only be requested by Vendors or their appointed representative/s.
This search will only provide current rates information.
Note: Verbal advice of updated rates information will only be available for six weeks from the date of application.