Councillor David Morrison
Division 1
29 - 31 Commercial Drive,
(07) 3818 3100
dmorrison@ipswich.qld.gov.auDeputy Mayor Paul Tully
Councillor Division 2
18 Queen Street, Goodna
(07) 3818 6900
ptully@ipswich.qld.gov.auCouncillor Kerry Silver
Division 3
Shop 337B, Level 3 External
Redbank Plaza
1 Collingwood Drive, Redbank
(07) 3288 5899
kerry.silver@ipswich.qld.gov.auCouncillor Kylie Stoneman
Division 4
Shop 2/38 South Station Road,
(07) 3816 2444
kylie.stoneman@ipswich.qld.gov.auCouncillor Wayne Wendt
Division 5
Shop 1, Jacaranda Centre,
2 - 3 Jacaranda Street, East Ipswich
(07) 3281 8700
wayne.wendt@ipswich.qld.gov.auCouncillor Cheryl Bromage
Division 6
Shop 38A, Brassall Shopping Centre,
68 Hunter Street, Brassall
(07) 3810 6556
cbromage@ipswich.qld.gov.auCouncillor Andrew Antoniolli
Division 7
Level 1, 143 Brisbane Street, Ipswich
(07) 3810 6224
aantoniolli@ipswich.qld.gov.auCouncillor Charlie Pisasale
Division 8
Leichhardt Village Court,
Corner Samford and Toongarra
Roads, Leichhardt
(07) 3282 9600
cpisasale@ipswich.qld.gov.auCouncillor Sheila Ireland
Division 9
Shop 36, Raceview Shopping Centre,
64 Raceview Street, Raceview
(07) 3810 6231
sireland@ipswich.qld.gov.auCouncillor David Pahlke
Division 10
Shop 5 and 6, Rosewood Plaza,
20 - 22 John Street, Rosewood
(07) 5464 1088
dpahlke@ipswich.qld.gov.auYour Ipswich City Councillors