Ipswich Enviroplan
Photographic Competition
Flower Crab Spider by Oliver L
2015 Ipswich Enviroplan Photographic
Competition Entrant
For more information and to enter visit
Enviroplanphotocomp.com.auor phone (07) 3810 6666
Entries open Sunday 5 June
on World Environment Day.
Photographers of all ages
and skill levels are invited
to take part in this exciting
photographic competition.
Explore our natural
landscapes and its native
inhabitants through the lens
of a camera (or smart phone)
and capture the natural
beauty of Ipswich.
There’s over $4,000 in cash
and prizes for winners and
runners up, and with adult,
secondary student, and
primary student categories
the whole family can enter.
Keep an eye out on the
website for free nature
photography workshops to
learn how to use all those
fancy buttons on your camera.