New facility for Raceview
A new bicycle education facility
planned for Vista View Park in
Raceview will help young riders learn
the rules of the road and provide a
safe and fun environment for families
taking their children for a ride.
Construction of the new bike
education facility kicked off in
February 2014 and will be completed
in two stages.
The first stage will consist of a bike
pathway extension, asphalt with
concrete kerb edging, vehicle cross
over points, line markings, pedestrian
footpath connections from an existing
path to picnic facilities in the park, turf
and shade tree planting as well as a
seat and bicycle rack.
The second stage will include an off-
road track, timber sleeper crossing,
concrete edging and vehicle cross over
points, a table and benches, additional
seating, groundcover planting and a
second pedestrian footpath from the
car park to the bicycle facility.
The new facility at Vista View Park
is located close to the existing
playground and offers new learning
experiences, both cognitive and
tactile, for young children.
Framed by existing garden beds and a
playground, the new facility is located
in an intimate, enclosed and safe space
with fencing to provide protection
from the nearby South Station Road.
Once completed, the new facility will
be a great entertainment and learning
centre for young people in the
Raceview and surrounding areas.
holiday fun
at Orion
Well done to all involved in organising
entertainment for Ipswich’s young
people during the school holidays at
Orion Town Centre.
The entertainment covered all ages
and proved to be a winner with all who
From cooking classes, library
workshops, magic tricks, Lego building
and Santa visits, kids were kept
entertained with plenty to see and do
while mums and dad finished up their
Christmas shopping.
During the school holidays council and
major shopping centres plan plenty of
free and low cost entertainment for
Keep up to date with what’s happening
in Ipswich for young people on council’s
Concept plan for the new
bicycle education facility.
Cr Ireland enjoys some of the school
holiday activities at Orion Town Centre.